Judgy Fudgy

Judge much? I try not to, but of course I judge. I judge people who judge. I judge narrow-minded people. I judge people with zero social skills. I judge my invisible friend when she does stupid stuff. Yes, I judge.


It’s the time of year when we are supposed to be good to one another. We should be experiencing frolicking, merriment, eggnog, and mistletoe kisses. We are supposed to be kind to our fellow man, etc. We are supposed to be patient with those who are less fortunate and/or disabled. We are supposed to be happy for our friends and loved ones who embark on a new challenge.

We are NOT supposed to judge.

This Thanksgiving, I judged, and I feel badly, so I am coming clean right here on my blog that has at least two readers. I judged one very over-bearing, hard to get along with person…for being just that. It almost ruined my Thanksgiving, until I took a deep breath and checked myself.

You see, it wasn’t just MY Thanksgiving. It wasn’t all about me. Yes, I do like things to be all about me, but don’t we all? However, when one finds oneself in a small space with a dozen or more people, and loses one’s shit because of a loud, rude person monopolizing every conversation, one needs to examine one’s options. One could try one or more of the following:

  1. Vacate said premises immediately, quietly and politely, of course.
  2. Get another plate of food and eat until one falls asleep in the corner with the dog.
  3. Find the key to the liquor cabinet…open it and climb in. (Make sure to close the door)
  4. When said person goes outside for a cigarette, lock the door.
  5. Smile and try not to look at the clock so often. The clock still works.
  6. Talk to a kid. Any kid in the room. Kids don’t care who is rude, drunk, loud, etc. Kids just want someone to turn the TV to cartoons. Watch cartoons with the kid.
  7. Play on your phone. So many people do it now, it’s not considered rude. Play a game. Text anyone/everyone, “HELP ME.” Write your feelings. You can do that on a phone. There’s a ‘Notes’ app. Use it. F-words are completely acceptable.
  8. Lastly, if the first seven options are unacceptable to you, take the most painful option and just wait. Said person has to go home sometime. One can only hope.

I’m not quite sure how I managed to include the word ‘one’ at least 9 times in this post. I digress and even imagine I’m a writer from the olden days. You know, those days when there were a lot fewer people and using the word ‘one’ instead of ‘I’, ‘we’, or ‘they’ seemed appropriate.

One wonders if there were annoying people at those Thanksgivings?

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season. Be kind. Be patient. Be Fabulous. You know you are!!

One thought on “Judgy Fudgy

  1. Brenda Bowman says:

    I enjoyed the read as usual! We have not had Thanksgiving yet..
    Our grandkids and their families will be here Dec. 12th
    I pray your day was a very good one…
    Blessing to you~
    Love ya~

    Liked by 1 person

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