Pat Winchester Booth

Today, I am tickled pink. Why? Because I am hosting my very first guest blogger on What’s in Terri’s Head?!!


Pat Winchester Booth has been an online friend of mine for years, and I have been a fan of her unique blog, Mining towns in Canada, Reminiscing about growing up for just as many years. Pat is brilliant, outspoken, articulate, and witty. She has led an amazing life, with all its ups and downs, and relentlessly pursues and cultivates happiness and knowledge on a daily basis. I am quite in awe of this lovely, talented woman, and am very proud she has graced me with her virtual presence and words.


Without further ado, I present Pat Winchester Booth!


My name is Pat.
I started blogging in 2007.
My site is Mining towns in Canada. Reminiscing about growing up. I wrote about all the towns I lived in. They were company towns, many in isolation and it’s a time gone by. I wanted to leave a record of that unique life style.
It was a voyage of discovery. I understood myself better and what makes me tick. It was cathartic and a nostalgic visit to my family and childhood.
I’ve had over 45,000 readers and have reunited many childhood friends who were able to contact each other through the blog. Central Patricia gold mines and snow lake were popular.
In between, I posted other thoughts and irrelevant musings.

What I am, what I think, what I write is all the “product” of  living in mining towns in Canada.

pagesep2(from September 25, 2014 issue of Mining towns in Canada. Reminiscing about growing up)

When I was much younger I saw a movie called “Auntie Mame”(1955), A character named “Gooch” got pregnant and did all the “pregnant lady” moves: The walk, the duck feet position, hand on hip & bend, moan and groan etc. I promised myself that I would NEVER do that, and when I was pregnant, both times, it came to mind and I was careful of my comportment, shall we say?

Fast forward to old age…I watched elderly people walk across parking lots and in stores and promised myself that I would never walk that way: waddle, duck feet pointing outward, stiff, agonizing movement.

PAT! GET OVER YOURSELF! I know there are many reasons for people of our age to struggle to walk. I always sympathized with all of them, I just didn’t want to BE one of them.

I don’t mind being old. There are lots of perks and the most important one is that I am still alive and well.

I do have my moments of Gooch-likeness”, especially when sitting for more than 15 minutes, then trying to make it across the room elegantly. (Doesn’t work).

This week, we tackled some physical work (up & down 13 steps with lots of bending) The Aleve didn’t relieve it much, and I had a couple of days of waddling, swaying etc. and I thought “this is it now, old age has set in”.

I’m happy to report that I’m back to normal today, and I concede that my normal could be pretty ancient looking to a 19 year old. I really don’t care, and this is one of the perks I referred to above: thinking about such nonsense, and the audacity to say it!


(From  About “Mining Towns in Canada” Site)

An Experienced Pet Lover

My husband says “If it weren’t for…

  • The chewing
  • The piddling
  • The walking
  • The scooping
  • The barking
  • The snarling
  • The training
  • The feeding
  • The Vet bills
  • The grooming
  • The brushing
  • The shedding
  • The drooling
  • The dog sitting
  • The chasing
  • The fleas
  • …he would get another dog”.


Thank you, Pat! I appreciate you so very much!

Everyone, please visit Pat’s blog when you have some reading time. You won’t be disappointed! Also, please leave your thoughts and comments below, as I’m sure Pat will enjoy hearing from you!






2 thoughts on “Pat Winchester Booth

  1. Wanda P. says:

    I have known Pat for a great many years and I have to say…this ain’t any “old” woman…she will remain “young at heart” until the day she moves on to whatever that other life is, or isn’t. I have read every page of “Mining towns in Canada” and encourage you try it…you will come away with new insights into life and how to live it. Pat writes concisely and with great humour and wit. Hop in for one post or stay for a few, you won’t be disappointed. And while that ‘company town’ way of life is all but gone in this part of the world…as most mine workers now fly in ‘n out on rotation leaving families behind, and perhaps one day there will be blogs describing that way of life (or maybe there already are)…but Pat includes so much more in her writing, including insights into how a life is well-lived.

    Pat recently introduced me to Terri’s blog and now I am enjoying Terri’s writing style as well. Thank you ladies…when the weather’s bad, the errands are done, and I don’t have a good book on the go..or a poem to write, I do enjoy visiting inside your “heads”…you make me smile and you make me think and above all, you make me glad there are people like you on the planet. Bravo to you both. It takes a lot of gumption to share like this on-line and you two both seem to have that in spades! Thank you both. Wanda P.


    • Wanda, thank you so much for the kind words! It means a lot to me, as I’m sure it does Pat. I am an avid fan of Pat’s writing. She has a passion for whatever subject she pursues. I’m truly hoping this posting will bring her even more readers. Thank you for visiting my humble blog. I hope you will return often. 🌷


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